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Management (MEC)

Mirza Kabir Ahmed, Chairman

Mirza Kabir Ahmad, BSC Engineer (Civil) is the Chairman of Mirza Engineering and Consultancy Limited. He has about 45 years experience in different fields of engineering activities. He also worked for Pak. P.W.D. , BADC and Development Design Consultancy (DDC) Limited in various important capacity. He is a member of Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (M/2751). He supervised National Assembly Building and during his BADC tenure, he engaged for construction of Seed and Fertilizer Godowns, Seed processing Center and Cold Storage Buildings.

Engr. Mirza Kabir Ahmed has been working as a senior consulting Engineer, In DDC under ADB Assisted Second Heath & Family Planning Service project under ADB Lone No. 1074-BAN (SF)., under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and package SI-CMMU-Base Line/Repeat Survey of Existing Health & Family Welfare Facilities.

Mirza Saeed Ahmed, Managing Director

Mirza Saeed Ahmed is engaged with Mirza Engineering and Consultancy Limited since the launching of this organization. His expertise and proficiency in civil engineering business and ability to develop strategic potential business partnerships made this organization successful in every step. As a leader he has the highest degree of knowledge about the company, business industry and technical issues. In depth understanding and skills allowed him to take valuable decisions and to understand the implications of those decisions for future business growth. As a person he is a real motivating character, he has the smartest leadership capabilities with long term vision.


Mirza Reaz Ahmed, Director

Mirza Reaz Ahmed is also working with Mirza Engineering and Consultancy Limited from the foundation of this company.  As a successful leader, Mr. Mirza Reaz Ahmed is energetic, lively person, social, assertive and rarely silent on different managerial decision making issues. His charismatic activities made the Mirza Engineering and Consultancy Limited an effective and flourishing organization. As the Director he regularly monitors activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and without any major deviations.

Accounts team

Our accounts team is very powerful and we included a good number of specialized chartered accounts and cost management professionals as our team members. The major focus of our accounting team is to monitor and control the financing and budgeting in different projects and programs and to ensure the transparency for the stakeholders by which investor’s confidence and trustworthiness increases a lot. Our accounts team also keeps records for all the accounting events and to analyze and report those accounting events by which our company management can easily get the glimpse regarding the amount earned from selling products and services.

Commercial team

Our commercial team mainly deals with the sales, marketing and procurement for the company. We have s group of skilled marketers and business persons with us under this team. Main focus of our commercial team is to create, communicate and deliver value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the valued Customer as well as the organization.


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