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Zinc Sulphate Hepta

Zinc Sulphate Hepta  is a micronutrient that plants need for growth. Plants that are deficient in zinc will often show yellow streaks through their leaves. Zinc deficiencies most often occur in corn, beans, pecans and grapes. Soil that is sandy, has little to no organic matter, is cold or has undergone erosion is likely low in zinc. To confirm your soil is low in zinc, you must have your soil tested. Check with your county extension service for testing procedures

How to Use Zinc Sulphate Hepta

Step- 1: Rototill the planting area with a rototiller. Turn up the top 4 inches of soil with the tiller.

Step- 2: Put on a pair of thick work gloves. Sprinkle an even layer of zinc sulfate over the planting area. Use 1 lb. of zinc sulfate for every 1,000 square feet of planting area.

Step-3: Push a garden rake back and forth over the distributed zinc sulfate. Work the zinc sulfate into the top 4 inches of soil.

Step- 4: Rake the area again to even out the planting area. Plant the vegetable plants as usual.

After Planting

Step- 5: Water the vegetable plants and the soil around the roots of the plants, using a garden hose. The water will help distribute the zinc sulfate.

Step-6: Dissolve 2 tbsp. of zinc sulfate in 1 gallon of water.

Step-7: Pour the mixture into a garden sprayer.

Step- 8: Spray the mixture along the planting rows about 2 inches from the stem of the plants. Use 1 gallon of mixture for every 10 feet of vegetable plant rows.

Step- 9: Scratch the zinc sulfate mixture into the soil by dragging a garden rake across the top 2 inches of soil.

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