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Management (Boron Bazar Limited)

Mirza Kabir Ahmed, Chairman

Mirza Kabir Ahmed, BSC Engineer  (Civil) is the Chairman of Boron Bazar Limited. He has about 47 years of experience in different feilds. He worked also for BADC. During his BADC tenure, he was engaged in constration of Seed and Fertilizer Godowns, Seed processing Center and Cold Storage Buildings etc.


Mirza Saeed Ahmed, Managing Director

To help our poor farmers', depriving by fertilizer dealer and various aspect Mirza Saeed Ahmed has taken initiative as an entrepreneur of the Boron Bazar Limited - A unique Agriculture Industry in Bangladesh having its own outlet, known as BORON BAZAR - FARMERS' One Stop Solution Point in the community, established in 2011 at Kashinathpur Bazar of Pabna district which is now in 5 divitions through 8 districts level and planning to widen its facilities in every upazila of Bangladesh.


Mirza Reaz Ahmed, Director

Mirza Reaz Ahmed is also working with Boron Bazar Limited from the foundation of this company. As a Director, he regularly monitors activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and without any major deviations.




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